Sunday, September 21, 2008

The value of incumbency

Samantha Dunn seems to be everywhere! In addition to receiving much coverage in the local newspapers, she also seems to be being subsidised by Council. With less than three months to go until the elections, on page 2 of both the Trader and Free Press large colour advertisements have been seen, promoting "Meet your local councillor".

I would be interested to know:
  1. how much these ads cost; and
  2. what the rules and regs are from council with regards to promoting the incumbent councillors.

Whatever the regulations are, it would seem to be poor decision-making from council. Oppositions regularly attack governments for their advertising, which while purportedly promote government services are, in essence, promoting the government.

I don't dispute the importance of raising the profile of councillors and council services. Awareness breeds accountability. No profile = no accountability. But this close to an election?

This sort of thing acts to further promote the advantages of incumbency. And makes the job of others trying to get into council that much more difficult!

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